A Test A Day –Is conducted right from std I to XII. This helps the students to cover every day lesson .ATAD results are important indicates of academic progress.
ATAD – star badge is given in each class for the student who score high marks in that week for all subjects .
Separate badge for Maths - Maths Champian is given for Toppers in Maths.
To motivate the students and being healthy competition.
Sports coaching
Every day morning and evening sports coaching held for students to improve their skills. This serves as a bridge for kids between crazy morning and scheduled school days, a way to release energy and get ready for the day ahead.
Free Eye Checkup
Free Eye checkup conducted every year for our students ,Teachers, working staff and Public people.
Free Medical Camp
Free Medical checkup conducted every year for our students ,Teachers, working staff and Public people.
*Blood test *B.P *Gyne check *Dental check *Skin test
Vaccination Camp
Vaccination camp held in our school premises for our students and open to public also.